Let your roots grow…

No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell.
— Carl Jung

If you have not noticed, the logo of Uzima represents the intertwining of two trees with their roots exposed. If you look at the roots closely they also resemble the branches of their respective tree without the leaves. Essentially, the roots look like a reflection of the tree above, but the tree branches below are dormant. There’s some meaning to this imagery as the roots are important and define the existence of the tree. The longer and more expansive the roots are the healthier the tree is. As Carl Jung nicely put it, “No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell.”

Similar to a tree, the roots of a person are unseen. They consist of our beliefs, experiences, environment, etc., but what really defines a person are their trials, adversities and tribulations.

Depression for me represented a dying of myself. I felt like I was dying, not in a physical sense, but in a metaphysical sense. Typically when one changes and matures a dying also occurs, but normally it is replaced by something else so you feel a transformation occurring. For major depression, a death is also occurring, but nothing follows it and all you see is death and blackness ahead. For the people experiencing major depression a much darker and intense transition is occurring and it can be daunting.

For the people who are having a similar experience as I went through, I can’t say it gets easier, but I can promise you there is a purpose. The spiritual journey that stemmed from my depression is undoubtedly the most important aspect of my life. I honestly don’t believe I would have gotten to this point in my life if I didn’t experience my long battle with depression. Before I was diagnosed with depression I was a very shallow person and I was way too consumed by the things of society whether that was money, intellect, stature, respect, etc. Although I still have aspirations I have my depression to thank for the person I have become and life is so much more fulfilling because of my journey with depression.

For those people experiencing depression, continue to let your roots grow and you will be amazed to see what type of tree you become.


The failure is coming, so let it come.